Discover the official supports of Paris Retail Week, key institutional players and medias supporting, promoting and contributing to the success of the event.
  • Institutional
  • Media
  • Trade Show


The Adetem, the leading network of marketing professionals in France
With over 1,600 members today, the Adetem is the largest network of marketing professionals in France (B2B, B2C, from small businesses to the largest companies, from consultants to academic researchers) and embodies all marketing professions, including market research, customer experience, data, digital, and innovation.


The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is Australia's leading retail body representing over 120,000 retail shops and online shops, the ARA Informs, Advocates, Educates, Protects and Unites our community of independent, national and international retailers.


The Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh) is the industry association for interactive retailers. The bevh represents the industry interests of all members vis-à-vis legislators as well as political and economic institutions. In addition, the association's tasks include informing members about current developments and trends, organizing the mutual exchange of experience and providing expert advice


The Club Enseigne & Innovation is the club for project managers, technical directors, concept or layout managers of retail brands.

• A philosophy: sharing to progress, exchanging experiences, passing on information, and exchanging data to control costs.

• A goal: to capitalize on the human aspect and the dynamism of this sector, bringing together all professionals in commercial architecture.

A privileged place to discuss implementation issues, develop technical solutions, reflect, and expand one's network... the Club offers its members a professional and friendly environment focused on innovation, efficiency, and the sharing of experiences


The mission of the The Quebec Retail Council (CQCD) is to represent, promote and enhance the retail sector in Quebec. The organization's objective is to develop ways to promote the advancement of its members and the industry in general.

The CQCD brings together more than 5,000 commercial establishments and represents nearly 70% of the economic activity related to retail in Quebec, for which it is the spokesperson.


The National Retail Federation, the world’s largest retail trade association, passionately advocates for the people, brands, policies and ideas that help retail succeed. From its headquarters in Washington, D.C., NRF empowers the industry that powers the economy. Retail is the nation’s largest private-sector employer, contributing $3.9 trillion to annual GDP and supporting one in four U.S. jobs – 52 million working Americans. For over a century, NRF has been a voice for every retailer and every retail job, educating, inspiring and communicating the powerful impact retail has on local communities and global economies.


The FEVAD is a non-profit association whose purpose is to support the ethical and sustainable development of e-commerce and distance selling in France


The Havas group's new consultancy offering, specializing in all the challenges of commerce.

Havas commerce was born of the idea that, in order to properly support a retailer, whoever he may be, it was necessary to know and understand the major players and movements in world trade.

We are constantly in touch with everything that's going on in the world: consumer trends, new retail concepts, new technologies, the major players in distribution and the weak signals of world trade. Based on our analyses, we create content for our customers to support them in their transformations.


France Num is proposing a new brand to unite the players involved in supporting the digital transformation of businesses, an online platform of personalised resources and a new digital loan offer for VSEs/SMEs.

France Num also offers guaranteed loans (under the title "France Num Loan Guarantee") distributed by bank networks, and therefore closer to VSEs/SMEs. These are aimed primarily at projects with a maximum amount of 50,000 euros. This guarantee, initiated by a State contribution of 30 million euros and presented by Bpifrance, makes it possible to leverage significant European resources, notably from the European Commission and the European Investment Bank Group.


The Agora des Directeurs de la Relation et Expérience Client Paris (Agora of customer experience Managers) is one of the 14 communities of Agora Managers Clubs, the first French network enabling decision-makers in the same position in a company with more than 500 employees to create a permanent forum for exchanging and sharing experiences, pooling their skills and finding the best solutions together.


Acsel brings together all the players in the digital economy, companies and public bodies of all sizes (large groups, ETIs, SMEs, VSEs, start-ups, etc.) and works to bring them together through networking events.


Founded in 2008, the CPA is an association composed of companies and entrepreneurs of Performance Marketing for business development and digital innovation.

The role of the CPA is multiple:

  • Promoting and analyzing marketing activity performance
  • Developing the business of its members and their industry
  • Raising the skills of its members in training and facilitating recruitment
  • Suggesting a training directory for active monitoring of all Performance subjects
  • Collective and individual defense of interests and rights of its members through publications such as white papers, Charter, Infographics, good practice guides etc.
  • The preservation of ethical standards among its members

The CPA is now composed of original members, actors from Performance Marketing - technical players and software companies.


La Fédération du Commerce et de la Distribution regroupe la plupart des enseignes de la grande distribution, qu’il s’agisse de distribution alimentaire ou distribution spécialisée. Ce secteur compte 750 000 emplois, plus de 10 millions de clients par jour, 2131 hypermarchés, 5962 supermarchés, 3952 supermarchés à dominante marques propres (exmaxidiscomptes), près de 3700 drives, environ 20 000 magasins de proximité, plus de 30 000 points de vente pour un volume d’affaires d’environ 200 milliards d’euros. La FCD intervient notamment dans les domaines de la sécurité alimentaire, du développement durable, des relations économiques (PME, industriels, filières agricoles), des relations avec les partenaires sociaux et sur les sujets liés à l’aménagement du territoire et d’urbanisme commercial.

Acteur majeur du dynamisme de l’économie française, la Fédération française de la franchise est la fédération professionnelle des franchiseurs et de leurs franchisés depuis 1971. Elle représente le modèle de la franchise, un modèle d’entrepreneuriat fondé sur le transfert du savoir-faire et le partage de valeur. Son rôle est de promouvoir, défendre et pérenniser le modèle de la franchise, mais également de fédérer son écosystème et de créer les outils et l’environnement propice au développement et à la performance des réseaux de franchise.

La Fédération Française de la Franchise a créé en 1981 le Salon Franchise Expo Paris, devenu depuis un rendez-vous annuel international majeur de la franchise.

En 2009, la FFF a créé L’Académie de la franchise, premier organisme de formation aux métiers de la franchise, dont l’offre est dédiée aux actuels et futurs franchiseurs mais aussi futurs franchisés.

La franchise représente en France 1 965 réseaux, 79 134 points de vente franchisés, pour plus de 68,8 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires. L’activité génère 795 441 (directs et indirects).


eCOM is an initiative born of the desire of five e-traders established in Luxembourg to create a favourable framework for the development of e-commerce. The federation is affiliated to the Luxembourg Confederation.


EuroCommerce is the principal European organisation representing the retail and wholesale sector. It embraces national associations in 27 countries, , sector associations and leading global players. Over a billion times a day, retailers and wholesalers distribute goods and provide an essential service to millions of business and individual customers. The sector generates 1 in 7 jobs, offering a varied career to 26 million Europeans, many of them young people. It also supports millions of further jobs throughout the supply chain, from small local suppliers to international businesses. EuroCommerce is the recognised European social partner for the retail and wholesale sector.


The Mobile Marketing Association is the only association dedicated to Marketing, Advertising, CRM and Commerce on smartphones, tablets and connected objects


Procos est la Fédération représentative du commerce spécialisé. Ses 260 enseignes sont à l'image de la diversité et du dynamisme du secteur. Toutes les activités, tous les formats de magasins tous les types de développement... y sont représentés.


Retail Institute Italy is the landmark association of Retail in Italy. Their mission is to promote the culture and growth of the sector as a whole, by offering indispensable content and strategic activities to keep up-to-date and competitive in an increasingly complex market scenario.


The Spanish Retail Association is the common home for all retail professionals and companies that provide services to these retailers, as well as Universities and Academic Institutions, so that they can interrelate and share projects and knowledge. A suprasectorial association that will generate research, events, congresses, seminars, observatories, specialised forums and press articles about Spanish Retail.


The Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE) is a peak organization representing the community of Hellenic Commerce, as well as SMEs at both domestic and international level.


Univers Retail is an independent management and operational strategy consultancy specialising in the BtoB and BtoC retail sectors. They support major retailers from the definition of their strategy through to its operational implementation. A consultancy renowned for the quality of its work, delivered with enthusiasm, pragmatism and a focus on results.


The Digital Media Club is the French association that unites all professionals in screen-based communication.

It promotes all the expertise necessary to successfully carry out a digitalization project, whether it is the digitalization of physical spaces or the customer and employee experience.

Created in 2005, the Digital Media Club now includes around fifty companies, ranging from manufacturers and software publishers to advertising agencies, as well as integrators and distributors.

Its members are active in all sectors where digitalization is possible: retail, businesses, transit areas, restaurants, cultural venues, leisure, administration, education, events, etc.


La Revue du Digital is an independent news site aimed at professionals driving the digital, technology, and IT transformation of their companies.


Linéaires is the B2B media specialist in food retail since 1986. With its exclusive surveys, in-store reports, analysis of brand news, and numerous market reports, Linéaires provides an unmatched wealth of information on food distribution and is an essential monitoring tool for all sector stakeholders. Its professional content is distributed via the monthly magazine, special thematic issues, its editorial website, a weekly e-newsletter, and the organization of workshop-conferences.
Europe’s dedicated magazine for the grocery sector, ESM is a must-read for senior managers and top-level executives working in the sector, or supplying the retail industry.
Distribuzione Moderna is a publication of Edizioni DM, created by a team of economic journalists specialized in the modern distribution sector. 
Retail Technology Innovation Hub focuses on the latest retail technology news, views and analysis for global omnichannel retailers and brands.
Just Retail is a specialist retail media for retailers for retailers and anyone with a passion passionate about the sector. A virtual meeting point and a true information reference for retailers.
Technoretail is a magazine published by  Edizioni DM , aims to provide a rapid and competent response, in terms of news, opinions and insights, to the growing demand for information and updates from the technical figures of retailers and suppliers of high-tech products and services for the distribution sector.


L'Usine Nouvelle gives you access to all the economic and professional news directly from the industry sectors: Aeronautics, Energy, Automotive, Defence, Health...


LSA is THE leading media on trade and consumption. LSA targets all decision-makers, whether at headquarters, the stores or the central purchasing unit. The editorial board highlights innovations, uncovers trends and deciphers good practices. LSA helps professionals be more efficient and anticipate market developments.


Since 2008, FrenchWeb has been identifying the most interesting startups and innovations. Every day, the media shares and analyses the ness of FrenchTech.


Nda is a professional magazine that focuses on innovation and architecture. It covers all aspects of architecture for an active readership that gets straight to the point. A synthesis of all the fundamental information updated in perfect synergy with press agencies from all sectors of the profession. Nda is a general approach to reading the specialist press in each field. Here you can discover the latest news and developments in commercial architecture, tertiary architecture, hotels and restaurants, design, sustainable development, local authorities, high-end private architecture and shopping centres, as well as many portraits of key players and hidden talents...


Le Journal du Net is the reference site for business executives, which, according to Médiamétrie, had 5.1 million unique visitors in March 2022. Created in 1999, it is published by CCM Benchmark Group. It is produced by a professional team of over 14 editors. The ambition of the Journal du Net's editorial staff is to inform its readers independently with a great concern for quality and reliability; it is also to give them a voice and to unite them around communities of interests and passions.


Marketing est la marque leader en France de l'information BtoB et de l'animation de communauté professionnelle à destination des décideurs du marketing. Retrouvez toute notre actu sur


L'ADN was created in 2012 with the desire to help companies navigate a constantly changing world, to cut through the ambient noise to connect to the energy poles of the times.

Trends, new uses, technologies to follow, innovative companies, changing media, new creative worlds...

We want to tell the story of the complex innovations that shape our present in every sense.

Today, we are passionate about a fascinating job: that of taking an inquisitive look at a teeming era...


DIGITAL Mag is the leading magazine for professionals in distance selling, direct marketing, e-commerce and m-commerce. Resolutely turned towards professionals in these four sectors, its direct and pragmatic editorial policy makes it an essential interface between, on the one hand, retailers developing an online business or pure players and on the other hand, providers of software, technical, operational, logistical and electronic publishing solutions.


Payments Cards & Mobile is the go-to market intelligence hub for global payments news, research and consulting. Leveraging 15 years of data across 43 markets.

MY DIGITAL WEEK est le premier site qui fédère les événements de l’économie numérique dans les principaux secteurs : e-Commerce, Digital Marketing, Mobile, IT, e-Santé, Fintech, e-RH, Smartcity, Internet des Objets, Innovations, e-Education, e-Tourisme, Startups, Médias…


La Brigade Du Web est un collectif d'influenceurs B2B, experts en digital, marketing, technologie, e-commerce, social média et innovation. Ils interviennent pour propulser les événements B2B sur les médias sociaux avant, pendant et après.


Our specialized journalists offer pieces of advice to franchise’s candidates and entrepeneurs who want to build a franchise.

Legal aspects, useful tips and expert points of view compose the magazine to bring all necessary elements to develop an efficient franchise


Founded in 1971, Stratégies is the leading medium for an entire profession, bringing together agencies, advertisers, media and tech platforms. Stratégies aims to give brand professionals the keys to a better understanding of the changes in communication and marketing.


Points de Vente is a professional media dealing with the distribution sector and the whole retail eco-system.

CB News, animer et penser demain

CB News est un média créé par Christian Blanchas en 1986. Après une courte pause, le magazine revient en juin 2011 sous forme de mensuel premium et accompagné d'une Newsletter.

Alors que CB News est désormais un mensuel de réflexion et de prospective sur toutes les problématiques de la communication, le site et la Newsletter se positionnent comme des médias d’actualité immédiate.


Strategies Logistiques, which is 20 years old in September 2017, is the oldest generalist magazine in logistics and supply chain in France.

This bimonthly publication also includes a website and a free responsive newsletter on tablets and laptops, a conference on supply chain innovation plus five non-series related to the business meetings organized by Premium Contact and a prize: Strategies Logistiques of Sustainable Innovation.


Voxlog is a digital ( and paper media B to B specializing in supply chain and working with companies in the sector both nationally and internationally.


The Leaders Magazine directs a leader through choppy seas and helms toward the future. We are direct and personal explaining to you why you need to concentrate on more than financial and business strategies, watching personnel, crafting core values statements, or issuing mandates for employees at every level. The Leaders Magazine is taking a step towards exploring how corporate leadership needs to inspire managers, directors, and employees with a growth mentality in today’s tumultuous time, how it sets goals integral to the corporate culture that fosters innovation and avoids stagnancy and self-satisfaction.


Mind Retail is part of the Mind Group. In opaque contexts with high economic stakes, Mind provides company directors with reliable, accurate and off-market information. By reducing information asymmetries and market risks, Mind enables its customers to become real players in their industries rather than just victims of change. Mind is a new type of professional information and market intelligence company: specialising in digital technology, innovation and market transformations, mind combines technological expertise, sector coverage and business know-how (analysis, network, journalism) to support its customers in all their strategic information needs.


Siècle Digital is an independent online press title founded in August 2013. Every day, we cover the digital and digital economy in France and around the world.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive, in-depth and unbiased coverage of the digital economy, exposing its opportunities and challenges, following the events and companies that drive it, as well as the bodies that regulate it.

SIAL Paris

Since 1964, SIAL Paris has been bringing together all the players and professionals in the global food industry to discuss the themes and issues that connect us. A true facilitator of international business, 285,000 professionals from over 200 countries are expected at Paris Nord Villepinte to come and meet the 7,500 exhibitors from the 10 key sectors of the food industry.
From 19 to 23 October 2024, come celebrate 60 years of groundbreaking innovation, tantalizing flavors, and unforgettable experiences with us at SIAL Paris.