Discover the 3rd episode 2023 of our podcast: 'The Voices of E-commerce' by Michelle LAU, Co-General Manager France of ALIBABA
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Alibaba's mission has always been to facilitate commercial relationships between buyers and sellers worldwide, especially today, with the help of digital technology. Our mission is to be a responsible company to make society, the planet, and the e-commerce model more sustainable in the long term.

Discover the 3rd episode 2023 of our podcast: 'The Voices of E-commerce'

  • What model has Alibaba been based on for over 20 years?
  • What is your perspective on the challenges sellers are facing today?
  • Tell us about the group's commitments and actions regarding CSR?

Discover the answers to these questions by listening to our third episode 2023 of our Podcast: 'The Voices of E-commerce'.

We have the pleasure of meeting Michelle LAU, Co-General Manager of ALIBABA France, a global company specializing in e-commerce, retail, and technology. During this podcast, Michelle will discuss the Alibaba group ecosystem, the marketplace model on which it has been based for over 20 years, as well as its CSR commitments. She will address the challenges that sellers face and, finally, she will share where she draws her inspiration from.

You can also find the podcast on your favorite platform: DeezerSpotifyApple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

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#thevoicesofecommerce #podcast #ecommerce #marketplaces #csr #Alibaba